
Friday, January 13, 2012

More about Sweden - Perfume Bloggers

As I've been bashing the perfume situation in Sweden I realised that I am being a bit unfair. We do have some excellent perfume bloggers, all of them way more knowledgable then myself. I figuered I'd do a little introduction of them here. Their blogs are mostly in Swedish, but they are well worth running through Google Translate for those of you that prefer to do your reading in other languages.

Pojkfröken - perfume from a gay angle. He's currently doing a very informative "perfume school" series, sports a great sense of humour and there are some good posts on perfume options for the budget minded.

Parfumistan - she used to write a perfume column in one of Swedens leading fashion magazines, Damernas Värld. Lately she has been reviewing a lot of ouds and there is a review of Serge Lutens "De Profundis", that I consider the best review of that scent that I've come across.

Julia Forsberg -  blogs about perfume for the beauty magazine Daisy Beauty. Reviews both niche and upmarket mainstream releases.

Confessions of a Perfume Nerd - another good one. She has been sick for a while but I sincerely hopes she's felling better soon and taks up blogging!

And, what about that picture? Well, just to prove that all Scandinavian design is not about fair woods, white furniture and lots of air... That's the worlds biggest Dalahäst, an icon of old fashioned Swedish folk art. Enjoy!

If there are other bloggers that should be included in my list here, please tell me, and I'll have them added at once.


  1. Confessions of a Perfume Nerd is another - she has just fired up again after a break.

  2. Thank you for sharing this. I am happy to be able to read Parfumistan (in English!), and glad for Vanessa's news about Perfume Nerd, too.

  3. Vanessa, you're right about that one, I'm adding it to my list, thanks!

  4. Anotherperfumdblog, than YOU for reading :)

  5. Thank you Sigrun for your kind words! Maybe I should translate the De Profundis post but the risk is it will not be as good when not written in my native language, the vocabulary to small, missing the nuances etc.

  6. I think it would be greatly appericiated :) I've in two minds about what language to use as well. English is a good choice as there are so many more potentila readers out there but I also miss my native flow and feeling for slang and nuances.

  7. One is certainly exposed to the range and scope of the perfume world in all its diversity with these blogs.
